Monday, 1 October 2012

Tua Pek Kong Mantra (安土地真言)

In today society everywhere, the pursuit of wealth has become the majority for most people.

However, they do not  know that to have wealth, they must have pre-requisite merits and blessings for wealth to come. One can chant the Tua Pek Kong Mantra (Earth God) mantra.

If practiced diligently, this Mantra could potentially transform your life :
Namo sam-man-do, moo-toh-nam, om, doo-loo doo-loo dei-wei, so-ha

Usually at any time, anywhere , can become into small multi-millionaire when chanted at least a million times (satisfactory), when chanted a hundred of millions of times once can become a extremely wealthy person !!

The general advice is that  everyone can recite in this mantra and you would be granted peace and plenty of wealth and prosperity.

当今社会,财富成为多数人的追求,殊不知要拥有财富,自己必须先修到足够的福分才行。要修福分,可念 “福德正神”土地公的真言——《安土地真言》。

增益福报、获取财富之圣咒: 南摩三满多 母驮喃 嗡 度噜度噜地尾 梭哈



  1. Mantra are secret communication code with respective Deities so one should try to chant correctly. You can check out common pronounciation from YouTube. Also, sincerity is also important as 心诚则灵 . After chanting you should have Faith that your merits & blessings are now increasing and good things are now on the way to you !

  2. Hi, you can check out

    1. I had dream of Tua pek Kong.. .what should I do

  3. Hi, the taiwanese master is in original Sankrit. (Nama sa ma da..). NaMoh sa ma doh.." is in chinese pronounciation common in most chinese buddhist chanting prayer :) I used both version and so far both works for me. Good Luck !

  4. so did anyone become rich after chanting this mantra ?

  5. Tua Pek Kong (Prosperity/Wealth god) and Du Di Gong (Earth god) not same. Check out Tua Pek Kong in Wikipedia !! Tua Pek Kong came/happen on Penang, Tanjong Tokong meanwhile Du Di Gong is from China
